The Foundation’s educational programs concluded the academic year with a 2-day event
We often lose a unique characteristic as we age – we stop dreaming. As the years pass, most people become cynical and learn to evaluate their capabilities coldly and dispassionately. “I can’t do it! I’m not good enough!” – we complain bitterly. But unlike adults, children are usually not yet shackled by such prejudices. And if they believe in themselves, they can succeed in any endeavour. And the main task of adults is to support them in this aspiration.
To celebrate the end of the school year, the Andrey and Julia Dashin Foundation traditionally supported the Little Odysseus event held at the Limassol Municipal Library on 7 and 8 June. For 2 days, the children of the “Journalists of the Future” programme and pupils from the special units of Kato Polemidia and Lanitio lyceums participated in various workshops and other exciting initiatives.
On the first day, they started with a masterclass entitled “Dream City of the Future” by the famous Cypriot illustrator Chryso Haralambous. Under her guidance, the pupils created projects showing exactly how they dreamed Limassol would be. They will later present these designs to the newly elected Mayor of Limassol.
Then, two actors from the Hippo Theatre from Greece and students from the lyceum special units filmed a video on the theme “Possibilities”. The concept itself was based on the book “Maybe”. Each participant had their role and line, and the video aims to convey an essential message: if a child believes in himself, he can achieve anything he dreams of. The main thing is that adults should support him with all possible care and love.
The second day was no less exciting. It started with Angela’s masterclass, “Leave your mark and unite!” The children joyfully traced silhouettes of their bodies and palms on a vast canvas and then painted them with bright colours. The result was a unique, compelling artwork.
Afterwards, the children of special units, their parents and guests took part in the interactive performance “Possibilities”, which touched upon essential and topical social issues. At the end of the event, the audience was presented with an art exhibition – the works of the students of the “Journalists of the Future” and “Book Activists” programmes – the results of their creations for the whole academic year.
The Andrey and Julia Dashin Foundation sincerely believes that every child should keep on dreaming at any age and receive full support from adults in realising their aspirations. After all, it depends on us whether our children will be able to retain this unique characteristic, look into the future with a smile full of hope, and spread their wings.