Alpari Begins a Partnership with the State Tretyakov Gallery
On July 4, Alpari and the State Tretyakov Gallery announced the signing of a partnership agreement which sees Alpari provide financial support to the museum.
The idea of preserving the cultural and historical heritage of the country is a close personal theme. In 2011, I personally helped with the restoration of the Orthodox Church of Gurias in the village of Tashkirmen. Exactly 2 years ago, Alpari purchased the original volume, written in ancient Belorussian, of the Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania of 1588 and donated it to the Republic of Belarus. The inclusion of Alpari into the “Friends of the Tretyakov Gallery Society” is a further step in this already established direction.
Today, along with Alpari, the Tretyakov Gallery is supported by leading Russian and international brands, and famous patrons. The partnership will help in the organization of exhibitions, the launch of specialized publications, the restoration of works of art and special projects. I am happy that our contribution to the premier museum of Russian fine art will provide additional resource to aid its development.