The Dashin’s Foundation provided Child Development Centre “To Alma” with therapeutic equipment and specialized toys
During the usual course of pregnancy and childbirth, a healthy baby is born. But unfortunately, this is not always the case. Birth trauma, congenital pathologies, genetic diseases, prematurity – all these can cause abnormalities in the normal development of a child. An unfair and harsh reality for some parents, as these children undoubtedly need professional help, patience, attention, and care. Their parents cannot go without support either. After all, no one prepared them for the hardships that await them.
The Andrey and Julia Dashin’s Foundation cannot remain idle when it comes to the needs of the most vulnerable group in our society – children, and especially when it comes to children with special needs. That is why we assist centers that specialize in working with these children. One of them is the Child Development Center “To Alma” consisting of a large team of specialists helping children with developmental problems from birth to the age of 6. “To Alma” assists children who may be faced with developmental delays, disabilities, and genetic disorders by stimulating sensorimotor, emotional, social, and mental development, as well as developing the individual pupil’s abilities. The center provides timely intervention and assistance to 100 families, which include children with autism, attention deficit disorder, brain paralysis, and other disabilities. It is the only institution in the city that also operates as a kindergarten.
Areas of the Centre’s work:
- Provision of specialized therapy (physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, psychotherapy, play therapy) from qualified specialists.
- Taking measures to prevent secondary disability when possible (reducing the negative consequences of disability).
- Assistance in the development of the child and the correction of developmental problems at an early stage.
- Aiding parents in raising, as well as in everyday contacts with the child.
- Integration of children with developmental problems into the family, kindergarten, school, and society.
If there is an early intervention, you can help these children cope with the early signs of delay, therefore avoiding future complexities on the child’s development path – providing them with the healthiest future possible within themselves and their future relationships. It is true happiness to see how children with unfavorable prognoses grow up and go to kindergarten, school, and in general, live an ordinary life.
In the last 2 years, due to the consequences of the pandemic, the “To Alma” center took the funds allocated for purchasing necessary equipment and distributed them among the affected families to support them during this difficult period. Therefore, when representatives of the center approached us requesting assistance with purchasing the necessary equipment, specialized toys, and materials needed to assist the children, the foundation immediately provided necessary financial support.
“As a father of three children, I simply cannot remain indifferent when it comes to the needs of the children. By supporting such centers, we give hope for a healthier future for children, supporting their parents and specialists who do everything possible daily to make their lives better and more fulfilling. Children with disabilities are stronger than we think. They fight in battles that most people will never know about or even suspect. Therefore, our foundation, represented by my wife and I, is helping to win these battles.” – shared the foundation’s founder Andrey Dashin after visiting the center.
On a tour around the center with Dr. Antonios Ganas, General Director of the “Theotokos” Foundation, Americos Argyriou, he presented toys to the children and was introduced to all the teaching and therapy programs.