A helping hand to the parents of children with Autism and other Comorbid Diseases
At a time where every little bit can help, any kind of information no matter how big or small is important in helping others gain access to better awareness, understanding, knowledge, tools and support needed when they come faced with certain situations.
The Andrey & Julia Dashin’s Foundation would like to take this opportunity to thank Cyrus Dylan from Caring4Kinds who has thoughtfully provided us with the list of website links below, which will come in handy to parents of children with Autism and other Comorbid Diseases.
Mrs. Dylan comes from a group of parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, a few other comorbid diseases, such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, who are working towards the creation of a “site of original and curated resources to help others like us.”
We hope that the following links are proven helpful to any parents and further input in regards to websites or forums is always welcome.
- Sesame Street Autism Resources for Parents.
- Reduce the Noise: Help Loved Ones with Sensory Overload Enjoy Shopping.
- Resources for Military Families.
- Moving with Special Needs Kids.
- Home Modifications for Special Needs Kids.
- Academic Accommodation Resources.
- Estate Planning for Parents of Special Needs Kids.