Sergey Karyakin Becomes Alpari Forex’s First Client
On the 1st of June, 2017, Alpari Forex, a Russian legal entity of the international financial brand Alpari, officially opened its doors in Russia. I’m proud to say that the world chess champion, grandmaster Sergey Karyakin, who is our long-term partner and a friend, became its first ever client, signing a service agreement with the company and officially opening his account.
Sergey is already taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the international forex market through Alpari Forex; and making his first steps in his trading career.
Russian regulation is for clients looking for financial security and legal protection. I’m sure that in the future it will become even more attractive and competitive, compared to already established and recognized foreign regulations.
I would once again like to emphasize that Alpari has always supported market transparency in the countries it operates in. That is why, we became one of the first to implement and answer to the corresponding legislation in the Russian Federation.