Alpari International & FXTM nominated for Global Forex Awards 2020
I am pleased to announce that Alpari International & FXTM have been nominated for Global Forex Awards 2020 – Retail in 11 out of 53 existing award categories, both globally and regionally.
Globally, Alpari International has been nominated for “Best Forex Trading Experience” and “Most Transparent Forex Broker.”
Among regional nominations, in Africa – FXTM is vying for “Best Forex Trading Experience,” “Best Forex Trading Platform,” “Best Forex Trading Support,” “Most Trusted Forex Broker,” among others. Globally, FXTM has been nominated for “Most Trusted Forex Broker” and “Best Forex Customer Service”.
Public voting has officially opened after an announcement by Holiston Media on the Global Forex Awards 2020 website. The awards will be presented to technologically advanced Forex-companies that have comprehensive market research tools, superior educational programs and world-class customer service.
The voting results will be announced on 24 September, 2020.