Main Page / 2015

Year: 2015

| Andrey and Julia Dashin’s Foundation

Play & Learn @ 10th Cyprus-Russian Festival!

| Andrey and Julia Dashin’s Foundation

Let’s Do It Cyprus – Results!

| Business Weekly | Angelos Angelodemou

My Future Plans

Mr. Dashin, recently the decision of SNB (Swiss National Bank) to remove the franc’s ceiling over the euro splurged a crisis in the forex world and led to Alpari (UK) Ltd incurring heavy losses, leading to Alpari (UK) Ltd Board of Directors putting the FCA regulated entity into administration. As one of the shareholders in…

| Politis | Yiannis Seitanides

A Businessman’s Life in The Island of Cyprus

Two years after the haircut in March, 2013, all restrictions on the movement of capital have been lifted. What does this mean for a foreign investor? Certainly the consequences of the haircut, including the restrictions on capital movement, complicated business transactions and created barriers for potential foreign investors. However, it is my belief that any…
